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Continuous improvement in tackling personnel safety issues automatically ensures that process safety issues are addressed
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Sometimes

Q2. Industries require raw materials to be extracted from the ground such minerals cause soil pollution.

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

Q3. What are the causes of carbobdioxide in the atmosphere?

  1. Due to industrilization
  2. Emission of GHGs from vehicals
  3. Burning fossil fuel & Wood/Deforestation
  4. All of them
Correct Answer

Q4. What does "potable" mean?

  1. Safe to drink
  2. Frozen
  3. Liquid water
  4. Dirty water
Correct Answer

Q5. To ensure that EMS roles are established, and associated activities take place, _____ should become a part of each individual's job description.

  1. individual task strategies
  2. job-specific EMS responsibilities
  3. EMS goals and objectives
  4. each employee’s impact on EMS
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following is not true about powder-actuated tools?

  1. If a powder-actuated tool misfires, you should try to fire it again immediately.
  2. They are so dangerous they can only be powered by specially trained employees.
  3. They should never be loaded unless they are being used immediately.
  4. They require two separate motions for firing -- one to bring to tool into position and another to pull the trigger.
Correct Answer

Q7. Eutrophication is often seen in

  1. Mountains
  2. Deserts
  3. Fresh water lakes
  4. Ocean
Correct Answer

Q8. _________ is a waste disposal method where solid organic wastes are converted to the residue and gaseous products through combustion.

  1. Incarnation
  2. Incineration
  3. Incarceration
  4. Incubation
Correct Answer

Q9. If you need to wear glasses with your eye or face protection, which of the following options is acceptable:

  1. A. Wearing prescription spectacles with side shields and protective lenses that meet safety requirements and also correct your vision
  2. Wearing goggles that fit comfortably over your glasses
  3. Wearing goggles that have corrective lenses mounted behind the protective lenses
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Access to a document implies only to view the document and not to change the documented information:

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
Correct Answer

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